October 18, 2023
In a remarkable display of community support, the Keshequa CSD Capital Improvement Project has received an overwhelming vote of approval, with 109 residents casting their votes in...

October 5, 2023
A science teacher at the Keshequa High School, is putting a new spin on teaching this year after a once in a lifetime opportunity to study at the Kennedy Space Center. Mr. James S...

October 4, 2023
A new furry friend will be walking the Keshequa halls as we welcome Daniella, our new therapy dog!
Daniella has been working with Principal Farina to bring smiles and healing p...
October 2, 2023
It was that time of the year again in Keshequa Central School District—the much-anticipated Homecoming week. The entire school was buzzing with excitement as students and staff pr...

August 28, 2023
Dear Families, Welcome to the new school year! We will often use the two-way messaging app TalkingPoints to communicate with you about your child. We recommend you download the fr...

July 7, 2023
Welcome to our thriving community garden, a beautiful space where students, families, and community members come together to grow fresh produce and learn about the joys of gardeni...

June 26, 2023
Summer Enrichment will be offered again this summer. This is available for all students in grades K-12. Please sign up using this form Summer Kesh Klub Sign-ups The full catalo...
June 23, 2023
Dear Parents, We have had many opportunities throughout this year to collect feedback from faculty, staff, students, parents and the community. We have also worked with an outsid...

May 19, 2023
Please review the updated District KCS Safety Plan for the 2023-2024 school year. Any questions or comments can be sent to the Chief Emergency Officer, Jim VanSickle, at jvansic...

May 17, 2023
Thank you voters. The proposed budget and bus propositions passed and two board members were elected. Budget
On Tuesday, May 16, voters in the Keshequa Central School Distri...

March 1, 2023
Applications may be picked up in the Counseling Office.

February 28, 2023
In order to get an accurate headcount, please submit this google form with the name of children that will be attending. Ice Cream with the Cast

January 31, 2023
Kesh Klub + Launchpad is EXPANDING!
We have adjusted our afterschool program to include special guest presenters on Mondays. We have partnered with Cornell Cooperative Exten...

January 3, 2023
Check out the opportunities for students this month! January 18th - Prehistoric World Visit with LIVE Reptiles. Students in grades 4-8 can sign up for Kesh Klubs using the l...

December 9, 2022
Sign up here - https://forms.gle/3JhZzBZs47y1...
December 8, 2022
Dear Community Member,
When I started as Superintendent this summer, we began with a review of the previously completed District Needs Assessment that has helped us to determin...

November 22, 2022
This past month our students focused on the PRIDE Habit of integrity. We celebrated our students who exemplify this habit during our Breakfast of Champions this morning. Families j...
November 18, 2022
The Keshequa Primary School hosted the annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving dinner on November 18th. Senior citizens from the Nunda-Dalton area enjoyed a meal and some entert...

November 17, 2022
Sixth grade students wrapped up their first trimester of the school year with a book-tasting event at Keshequa’s own Starbooks Cafe.
Library Media Special Tiffany Leader a...